Undercover Glamour News
How to enhance your look for your Wedding Day
1st Nov 2012
For many women, the day they tie the knot is the biggest day of their life. Looking fabulous on your wedding day is as much about looking incredible as feeling spectacular.
Our Company Director, Catherine Peck takes part in the Killarney Adventure Race 2012, 25km in Ireland for Body Fit Magazine
6th Oct 2012
Catherine, took a long weekend away with her partner David to take part in the 25km Killarney Adventure Race, 2012 in Ireland. The Killarney Adventure Race is a yearly event in October that is suitable for all levels of fitness.
How to get Kate Middleton's Hair using clip in hair extensions
9th Jul 2012
With over a year gone since the Royal Wedding, and the Queen's Jubilee just passed, Kate Middleton is still as popular and beautiful as ever, and we've been looking at how to achieve Kate Middleton's hairstyle.
Beauty Tips for your Wedding Day
15th May 2012
Looking fabulous on your wedding day is as much about looking incredible as feeling spectacular. Undercover Glamour shows you how to feel and look beautiful on our special day.
PIP Breast Implants and the risks women will take for Surgical Breast Enhancement
13th Jan 2012
Sometimes it is best to keep it simple. Why risk surgery when you can save money, time and prevent potentially dangerous surgeries.