Beautiful clip in hair extensions
12 inch to 24 inches in length
Extensive range of styles, colours and lengths, from clip in hair pieces and coloured hair streaks to full heads of hair extensions.
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Celebrity Hair News

30th Sep 2023
Victoria shares her beauty secrets regarding which clip in hair extensions she wears, how she styles them, and why she prefers clip in hair extensions over permanent hair extensions.

26th Jul 2023
See how the different coloured wigs completely change my sister's, Antonia's look. Which wig is your favourite?
Deluxe Hair Extensions have 4 layers of hair sewn onto each hair piece so they are super thick, and look lovely and thick at the ends. They range from 210g - 270g of real, human hair and are available in 18 inches to 22 inches in length. That is a lot of hair! These are your perfect option to go from short or limp, lifeless hair to full bodied, heavenly locks in moments. Our Deluxe sets are made from the finest quality of Remy Human Hair, they are the ultimate luxury in clip in hair extensions.
Classic Hair Extensions have 3 layers of hair sewn to each piece and have 6 pieces per set. They range from 100g - 180g of real, human hair and you can choose from 12, 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 inches in length. A fantastic option for full, luxurious hair for daily wear. Our Classic clip in hair extensions sets are made from 100% Remy human hair so they are long lasting.
To see some of our beautiful customers wearing the Hair Extensions, just like the gorgeous Matea below, please visit our Testimonials page.
What type of Clip in Hair Extensions do you sell?
Undercover Glamour sells Asian human hair extensions for their silky and straight texture. The majority of hair collected is Cambodian, Mongolian and Chinese hair. The hair material collected is in its natural state, it has never been permed or coloured before it is cut, so the hair is in its purest form. Asian human hair is slightly thicker than Brazilian or Indian human hair, therefore the hair is stronger and will be long lasting, it is also known for maintaining its very soft texture.
We sell ethical human hair extensions, making sure each hair donor is paid a fair price for their hair, therefore we pay a high price for the hair material. We believe the hair trade helps support many women by giving them an extra source of income.
All our Undercover Glamour clip in hair extensions are either triple wefted or quad wefted so they are all lovely and thick, and they are made with remy hair for the finest quality. For more information about the different types of hair extensions available, please click on the above tab, next to the FAQs tab to learn more.
What do you mean by Triple Wefted or Quad Wefted?
Triple Weft means that there is 3 layers (wefts) of hair sewn on one piece; so you have more hair on one piece than say single or double wefted hair extensions. We do not recommend using single or double weft hair as the hair will look very thin, and when you hold the hair piece up you will see lots of gaps in the hair. Single or double wefted hair will not work well for making your hair longer as you would have to attach so many pieces before the hair looks thick enough and if you have fine hair you will see all of the clips from the different pieces. We do not sell single or double wefted hair as we do not feel it is of high enough quality. You will find that single and double wefted hair is much cheaper due to less hair being used.
Triple weft hair is not as thick as quad weft hair but it is great for everyday as there is a generous amount of hair on each piece but not as much as quad weft, and this makes it lighter on your own hair. You will not feel a pull on your own hair with triple weft and therefore can wear it more regularly. Triple weft hair may also be better suited to you if your hair type is fine, and not that thick as it will blend more naturally with your own hair. Our triple weft full hair extensions are called our Classic range.
Quad weft means that there are 4 layers (wefts) of hair sewn on one piece. As there are more layers (wefts) of hair on one piece it is thicker as there is more hair, this therefore results in needing less pieces and therefore less clips in your hair, making it easier to hide the hair extensions. Quad weft hair will be better suited to women with very thick hair who wish to make their hair longer as it will blend well. Our Deluxe Hair Extensions are quad wefted for the ultimate look of luxury.
What is Remy Hair? Why are Remy Clip in Hair Extensions more expensive?
Remy hair extensions are more expensive than plain human hair extensions because of the level of care in managing them and forming them into extensions. This higher level of care is why Remy Hair is more expensive. With Remy clip in hair extensions, when the hair is cut from the hair donor (from a ponytail) the tops of the hair are kept together so the hair runs in its natural way. With other real human hair extensions when the hair is cut the tops and the tips of the hair will be mixed up, this is done for ease of collection and management.
It is important to make sure the hair falls in the correct way i.e., with Remy Hair; this is because the outer layer of hair is made up of lots of cuticles and the edges of the cuticles all point down towards the tip. If the tops and tips of the hair are sown together at the top of the Clip in hair extension it will cause the cuticles to catch each other which results in tangling. Therefore, Remy Clip in hair extensions will stay straight, tangle-free and neat for much longer than plain human hair extensions.
What is Non-Remy Hair?
Non-remy hair is also known as “Fallen Hair”. This hair is collected from more than one source and as a result the tops and tips of the hair get mixed up. This means that the cuticles in the hair are facing in different directions, making it prone to tangling. We do not sell this at Undercover Glamour.
For ease of management – Remy Hair Clip in Hair Extensions are definitely best.
What is meant by Single or Double Drawn Hair?
When the hair is collected from the donor in a ponytail, it ensures that Remy hair is being collected, but when the hair is collected like this, it will be of different lengths just like your own natural head of hair. In the natural form, the ends of the hair will be thinner than at the top of the hair, just like your own hair. When the hair is Single Drawn, it means that some of the shorter hairs have been removed, thus giving a more even hair length, so it will look thicker at the bottom. Double Drawn Hair is drawn for a second time to remove even more of the shorter hairs, and the procedure is done by hand. Double Drawn Hair is by far the best, as the ends of the hair are almost 100% as thick as the tops of the hair. This is the most popular type of hair as is gives the thickest, fullest looking hair you can imagine.
We sell double drawn hair as it is the most popular with our customers and prevents the need for as much styling.
What is meant by human hair blend/ mix?
If a set of hair extensions say human hair blend this means that they are mixed with either synthetic hair or animal hair. This lowers the cost for the customer as synthetic or animal hair is much cheaper than human hair so the hair blend provides a cheaper option than buying 100% human hair. We only offer 100% human hair as we want to offer the highest quality goods and we believe it is worth the investment in high quality.
Where do the Human Hair Extensions come from? Is it ethical?
All our clip in hair extensions are sourced from China. As mentioned above we pay a fair price for the hair supplied and work with reputable suppliers and make sure all our donors are paid for their hair. We believe that our trade supports women by providing another source of income for them.
What is the best length of Clip in Hair Extension?
This depends on the look you want to go for and how tall you are. Are you looking to wear clip in hair extensions to make your hair look thicker? Or, are you looking to wear hair extensions to make your hair longer? The best way to work out what length you would like is to measure downwards in inches from the top of your ear to get an idea of where each hair extension length would fall on you. You measure from the top of your ear as this is where the highest clips will be placed and the top of the hair extensions will start. We sell hair extensions in 12 inches in length, 16 inches, 18 inches, 20 inches, 22 inches and 24 inches in length.
Our most popular selling length is 18 inches. The 18 inch hair extensions will fall just below your bra line if you are of average height and this is the hair length of Kate Middleton, so it is a natural looking and manageable length. This is also our company director and model, Catherine Peck's favourite length, Catherine is 5ft 5 and the hair extensions fall just below her bra line. If you are 5ft 7 then the 20 inch hair extensions will also fall in this place, and if you are 5ft 9 then the 22 inch hair extensions would also just fall below your bra line, and if you are 5ft 3 then the 16 inch hair extensions would be this length on you. It is important to take your height into account when purchasing hair extensions.
The 12 inch clip in hair extensions are particularly popular with women who have shorter hair where their hair is thinning due to age or stress. This length can help add thickness to their hair and take years off as thicker, healthy looking hair helps give the appearance of youth, vitality and great health.
How long will the Undercover Glamour Clip in Hair Extensions last?
This entirely depends on how often you wear them and how you treat them. Our company director and model, Catherine Peck has been using the same set of Undercover Glamour Clip in hair extensions now for nearly two years and she is still pleased with their condition. Please note, Catherine does not wear them every day, on average twice a week. Catherine occasionally uses her hair straighteners on her set of extensions, and if she does the straighteners are on a low heat and not above 180 degrees, and she always brushes through them after use and stores them neatly away. She has not washed them.
If you wear the extensions every day and use hair tongs regularly and a lot of hair spray, and are rough with the brushing they are not going to last as long. For heavy use you may wish to treat yourself to a brand new set every 4 to 6 months. For moderate and gentle use you should get about 6 months to a year, and for light usage like, Catherine you would be looking at over a year. To find out more, please click on our tab, “Caring for Your Extensions”.
What are highlights and lowlights?
Lowlights are darker streaks in a person's hair produced by dyeing small sections of hair, usually a few shades darker than your natural hair colour. Lowlights can also be achieved by using our Clip in Hair Streaks.
Highlights are dyed or bleached sections that are lighter than your natural hair colour, giving a beautiful sunkissed look. You can even use other colours, such as pink, blue and purple for a fun look.
Clip in Hair Extensions near me?
We are based in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk at Menta Business Centre and you are more than welcome to visit us for a free colour match and we can help you find the perfect hair extensions or hair piece for you. We also ship worldwide. See our Contact Us page for our full address and for making an appointment.
Caring for your Human Hair Extensions:
Undercover Glamour’s clip in hair extensions are made of 100% real human hair, so they can be treated more or less in the same way as your own hair, however, there are a few things you should know about human hair extensions before you get started. When your hair gets damaged it begins to split and break off making each strand of hair shorter but since your hair is still attached to your head, it will continue to grow and therefore keeping it looking long and luscious. With human hair extensions they do not keep growing and after a period of time they begin to lose their shine and quality, as they will become shorter and more fragile. Please read on to find out how to make them last for as long as possible.
So, how long will your Undercover Glamour Clip in Hair Extensions last?
This entirely depends on how often you wear your clip in extensions and how you treat them. For heavy use you may wish to treat yourself to a brand new set every 4 to 6 months. For moderate and gentle use you should get about 6 months to a year, and for light usage you would be looking at over a year. Remember to brush your human hair extensions gently and hold them just below the weft/ clips when brushing to prevent any excess shedding. Our company director and model, Catherine Peck has been using her same set of Undercover Glamour clip in extensions in dark brunette for nearly 2 years now and they are still in perfect condition. Please note, she only wears them a few times a week and has not used hair spray on them and also brushes them gently.
Here is my information on how to prolong the life of your clip in hair extensions, from storing your real hair extensions through to washing and colouring them.
Storing your Human Hair Extensions:
You can either store your real hair extensions in the original Undercover Glamour packaging, or in a similar storage case, or a large wash bag works well.
After using your clip in hair extensions they should be combed or brushed gently before placing them in the storage bag. Remember to hold your hair extensions firmly under the weft/ under where the clips are to prevent any shedding when brushing them through. This will prevent tangling while they a stored away. Once brushed, I find it useful to fold the extensions in half and put a hairband round before storing them as I find this helps prevent tangling. I find that this also gives them a nice, natural wave for the next time I wear them.
Washing and Drying your Human Hair Extensions:
Washing your human hair extensions will reduce their life span as the hair no longer has its natural oils to replenish itself. As soon as you wash your human hair extensions the quality will not be as perfect as when they were brand new. If you wash your real hair extensions it will be at your own risk as we cannot control the products and processes used. However, we understand that you may need to wash them at some point due to usage, or using hair spray on them, so please note our recommended best practise if you are going to wash your hair extensions.
The most important part in maintaining the quality of your human hair extensions is selecting the right type of shampoo and conditioner to use. It is recommended to use a sulphate free and paraben free shampoo and conditioner, you can see our recommended shampoos and conditioners below.
We recommend to use shampoo first to clean your clip in hair extensions, or hair piece, especially if you need to remove the hair spray, and then conditioner to help give them a lovely smooth, shiny look. If your human hair extensions are not dirty but just starting to look a little dull then just use conditioner on them to save time.
Make sure you have brushed through your clip in hair extensions before washing, so they are tangle free. Then get your real hair extensions wet and smooth the shampoo down each hair piece do not rub in as this will cause tangling. The same applies when adding the conditioner. It is really important that you do not use hard water on the hair extensions as it will damage the hair. If you have hard water, we recommend that you boil some water, then let it cool, and use this water to wash and rinse the hair extensions in.
It is the calcium and magnesium that are the true hair ruiners in hard water. This can cause dull limp hair, and straw-like hair texture as hard water has a way of stripping human hair of its natural moisture and shine. Hard water is worse on human hair extensions as they do not have their natural oils to replenish. It is also not advised to use hard water on your own hair, and to solve this you can get shower head filters. However, shower head filters do not stop the calcium and magnesium completely they do reduce them getting through greatly, which will help to protect your hair.
You can rinse the shampoo off in another warm bowl of water (or pre-boiled water if hard water) and then re-fill the bowl and rinse again, or you can rinse with a shower head on a gentle setting. The same applies for rinsing the conditioner off. Then pat dry with an old, dark coloured towel as a small amount of colour may run, and do not rub the extensions and hair pieces as this will cause tangling. You can use the hair dryer to blow dry your clip in hair extensions or you can simply leave them to dry. If using the hair dryer use a cool to medium temperature.
Recommended Shampoos:
While we don't recommend washing your hair, if you decide that you must wash it, or the hair has become very dirty and unmanagable, then we suggest using a gentle shampoo and conditioner such as Morrocanoil, Palmer's Coconut Formula or Argan Products.
Moroccanoil Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner feature a gentle, moisturising formula that infuses dehydrated hair with antioxidant-rich argan oil, Vitamins A and E, red algae and other replenishing nutrients. This shampoo and conditioner will make your hair and human hair extensions look and feel healthier, with increased manageability and shine. I actually use Moroccanoil's shampoo and conditioner on my own hair and it has greatly improved the thickness of my own hair and I could not recommend it enough.
Palmer’s Coconut Oil w/ Vitamin E Conditioning Shampoo and Repairing Conditioner - this is sulphate free and paraben free. It is also great of great to use if your hair extensions have smell of smoke as it is good at getting rid of this smell and will leave them smelling nice and fresh.
Hollywood Beauty Argan Shampoo and Conditioner - These products are also sulphate free which makes them perfect for hair extensions as it is gentle and will not damage the integrity of the hair. They are full of nourishing Argan Oil, which will help to keep your extensions looking healthy and shiny. Our Company Director, Catherine tested washing our hair extensions using the Argan Shampoo and Conditioner and they worked beautifully.
Why do we recommend to use sulphate free and paraben free shampoo and conditioner?
Sulphate is made using an acid which make it easier to remove grease and oils from your hair but in the process it removes all the natural oils in your hair that keep it nice and smooth. It is harsher on the hair than a sulphate free option. Since real human hair extensions no longer have natural oils, it is better to use a milder shampoo.
Sulphates also strip away the pigmentation from hair dyes, all of the clip in hair extensions and clip in hair pieces have been dyed apart from colour 1B, so the colour from the dye will fade faster. As the sulphates strip the hair of their natural oils the hair will become brittle, and unmanageable, this is especially the case with real human hair extensions.
Paraben is made of para-hydroxybenzoic acid. It is best not to use any acid based products on the real human hair extensions as mentioned above they no longer have any natural oils to help protect the hair strands from harsh chemicals. So as mentioned mild shampoo and conditioner is best.
Parabens are used in shampoos as a preservative to help extend the shelf life and help mix the ingredients of the shampoo. We recommend using paraben free shampoo on your own hair as well as on your real human hair extensions as shampoos with parabens have been linked to causing dry, dull, brittle hair because it can tear apart the cuticles. As your own hair grows and repairs this is not so noticeable but really shows when using on real human hair extensions.
Should I use a leave-in Conditioner?
Our makeup artist and stylist, Alex Jones recommends using Argan oil or Moroccanoil on the ends of your real human hair extensions if the ends are starting to look a little frizzy or dry. The oil will rehydrate the hair. It is also great to use on the ends of your own hair. You do not want to put it on the top of your own hair as it may make your hair look greasy, which is a look you definitely do not want.
Curling and straightening your Human Hair Extensions:
As the hair extensions are real human hair you can curl and straighten them as you would your own hair. It is easier to style them before putting them in your hair. When you have clipped them in you can curl again or straighten with your own hair to help blend them in to create a natural look. Please do not use heat over 180 degrees on your clip in hair extensions.
Can you dye your Human Hair Extensions?
Please note that any alteration to our products is at your own risk as we cannot control the products used or the processes used, as stated in our Terms and Conditions. However, we have carried out some tests using different hair dyes and bleach on the products which were successful in our experiments, and you can see the products used, and our results here, www.undercover-glamour.com/news/canyoudyeclipinhumanhairextensions as mentioned above, we are not responsible for any failed outcomes.
- Clip in Hair Extensions
- Sewn in Hair Weaves
- Bonded Hair Extensions (Pre-bonded)
- Micro Ring Hair Extensions
- Tape In Hair Extensions
- Real Hair Extensions vs Synthetic Hair Extensions
Clip in Hair extensions are popular with celebrities, such as Cheryl Cole who are often instantly transforming their hair, they are also well known as being a vital part of the TOWIE set. Catherine Peck, our company director and model says they are her favourite beauty accessory and that when wearing her Undercover Glamour Human Hair Extensions they make her look and feel younger, healthier and more glamorous.
- Clip in hair extensions provide a quick transformation to your hair, making you feel more glamorous and confident.
- Clip in hair extensions are so easy to apply, you can have amazing hair in just 2 minutes!
- Clip in hair extensions can add length and you can use them to add volume instead (or in addition to length), which is perfect for fine, limp or thinning hair.
- You can add highlights or colour with clip in hair extensions with shades from natural colour tones to bright bold colours with the use of clip in hair streaks. One day you could wear a baylage mix so you have some highlights in your hair, the next day you could wear just your natural colour, clip in hair extensions give you complete flexibility to change your hair style and length.
- Chlorine and salt water damages human hair extensions and causes them to tangle so with clip in hair extensions you can take them out when you go swimming to make them longer lasting than say if you had bonded hair extensions. Less hair is also easier to manage when swimming, wake boarding or surfing. This makes human hair, clip in extensions long lasting and very cost effective.
- More hair, wigs and extensions makes your head hotter and this can make it itchy, so there are times when you may not want lots of extra hair, for example, playing sport, or on holiday in the boiling sun, clip in hair pieces and clip in hair extensions allow you to choose when and where to have more hair.
- Clip in hair extensions are a much cheaper option as with bonded hair or hair weaves it requires regular trips to the hairdresser.
- With bonded hair you have to be careful when using heat i.e., curling tongs or a hair dryer. The heat will melt the bonds (the glue). With clip in hair extensions you can style your hair when the extensions are not in your hair making it easier to manage and you can use curling tongs and straighteners on the human clip in hair extensions.
- With bonded hair or hair weaves you need to rely on a professional to manage your extensions whereas with clip in hair extensions you can make your hair look great from home.
- Clip in hair extensions are less damaging to your hair than bonded hair or hair weaves as with bonded hair it is glued to your hair and with hair weaves it is sewn onto your hair, with these both are left in your hair for the long-term but with clip in hair you are only adding weight temporarilly.
- There are times when you might not want glamorous, long, thick locks and with clip in hair extensions you can choose when you want a different look. With clip in hair extensions you can instantly change your look by adding say, 24 inch in length hair extensions one night, and then adding 12 inch in length hair extensions another night.
Prices for clip-in hair extensions vary depending on the hair type, hair quality, hair weight and hair length. Undercover Glamour offers 12 inch, 16inch, 18 inch, 20 inch, 22 inch and 24 inch in length, and prices start from £69.99. Undercover Glamour also offers their Deluxe sets which are extra thick hair extensions, as well as single Clip in Hair Pieces and coloured Clip in Hair Streaks.
To best protect your natural hair, give your hair a break from the clip in hair extensions and do not wear them all the time, always take them out before you go to bed. The extra weight from the clip in hair extensions (if worn all the time) may damage your own natural hair by making it weaker.
The hair weave is when extra hair is sewn into your existing hair. Your hair is braided with a needle and thread and then the weft of hair is literally sewed onto the head with a braid. Hair Weaves are popular with celebrities for creating a longer lasting, fuller, thicker looking hair, such as Beyonce, Naomi Campbell, Tara Banks and even Kourtney Kardashian has been spotted having her locks added to. The major advantage of a weave over clip in hair extensions is that they are attached all of the time (until you have them removed) so you will wake up every day with beautiful, long and full hair. The hair weaves look more natural as lots of tiny strips of hair are woven into your own hair so the hair will move more freely with your own hair than when larger strips of hair are added with clip ins and with bonded hair extensions.
The extra hair will be a strain on your own hair and can cause bald patches, most famously, Naomi Campbell has suffered from this. Headaches can also be caused if the hair is woven too tightly into your own hair. This process is the most expensive as it is the most time consuming, and the whole process can take 3 hours for a whole head of hair. Hair Weaves are an extremely popular choice for fashionable black women, as they are more suitable to this type of hair attachment as their hair is stronger and tougher than say, European hair and therefore, is less likely to be damaged by the weaves and it also provides a longer lasting solution to having more hair.
Prices for a hair weave vary depending on the hair type, hair quality, hair weight, hair length, and salon choice.
Hair bonding basically involves fixing additional strands of hair to your natural hair. This means using some kind of adhesive to attach the extensions. The major advantage of bonded hair extensions over clip in hair extensions is that they are attached all of the time (until you have them removed) so you will wake up everyday with beautiful, long and full hair. Celebrities such as Lindsay Lohan, Kate Beckinsale, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears and Nichole Richie have or have had pre-bonded hair extensions.
Pre-bonded hair extensions:
Celebrities are using "pre-tipped" bonded hair with a synthesized keratin protein that acts as a glue to bond the strands onto hair. Heat may be used to bond, or "melt" the glue, or some stylists use FastFusion technology, which uses air pressure to bond individual hairs in faster time. Prices for pre-bonded hair extensions are expensive and can range from £10 for a single extension to £2,000 plus for a full head of hair.
The adhesive used can be harmful for your hair and scalp and it is not a good idea to have any chemicals on your scalp for long periods of time. Secondly, the extensions will damage your natural hair. Some people therefore recommend getting rid of the bonded hair within a month to reduce damage, but once you have them you are likely to continue to want them. However, this means you are going through quite an expense for just a couple of weeks, and in any case, removing the extensions can also damage your natural hair. Celebrities have been noted from suffering from bald patches as a result of using pre-bonded hair extensions, most famously, Victoria Beckham, Britney Spears, and Nichole Richie have suffered from this.
The Micro Ring technique, combines soft or fine strands of natural hair with the extension hair. As there is no glue, sewing or braids involved there is no damage to your own hair. This technique can be done on all types of hair. The micro ring is a lightweight metal ring with a silicone lining to give a better grip and cushion your own hair. Micro Ring extensions can last up to three months before needing to be removed. Therefore, is a lasting solution to fuller, thicker looking hair. Celebrities such as Victoria Beckham, Jessica Simpson and Katie Price have been known to use micro ring hair extensions.
Micro ring extensions are easier to maintain and they are quicker to apply than bonded hair extensions. They do not involve adding any heat to the hair or glue so there are no chemicals being used near your scalp. However, Micro ring extensions are more visible on people with thinner hair and can cause more scalp irritation than pre-bonded so they may not be everyone's choice. You are also more likely to loose extensions quicker than with pre-bonded hair extensions and this may require more frequent trips to the salon and therefore, more cost.
Prices for clip in hair extensions vary depending on the hair type, hair quality, hair weight and hair length and the salon choice. The Telegraph stated from an interview with Katie Price that she spends £6,000 every 3 months on having micro bonding hair extensions and Katie said that she had been having hair extensions done for 12 years so that is £288,000!
Tape in hair extensions are a quicker, easier and less damaging type of 'permanent' extensions. The hair is fixed together in wefts with a strip of tape along the top. They are applied to the hair by sandwiching a fine section of your own hair between two extension wefts. It is virtually impossible to put tape in extensions into your own hair, but if you have a qualified professional, tape in extensions will look really natural and sit well on your head without lumps and bumps. While they don't last as long as other types of permanent hair extensions, they can take as little as 30 minutes to put them in.
Tape in hair extensions are a lot quicker to apply than most other types of hair extensions but don't last as long. There is no use of heat or chemicals to apply them so they are much less damaging than other types and a easy to remove, replace and maintain.
Tape in extensions are a great option for those with thinner hair. As the wefts are finer and the adhesive strips are flat they will be less visible under finer layers of hair than other types of hair extensions. Provided they are applied by a professional the tape in hair will look beautiful and natural in most hair types.
Human Hair Extensions or Synthetic Hair Extensions?
- Human hair extensions will blend in more naturally with your own hair and last much longer.
- Synthetic hair will look great on purchase; but once you have worn it a few times it starts to become matted and does not hang freely like your natural hair, it is a great option for creating a one off different look.
- Human hair extensions are much more expensive than synthetic hair extensions as there is no hair donor to pay for synthetic hair.
- There are no ethical issues concerning the use of synthetic hair extensions as the product is made from plastics and there is no hair donor to consider.
You can do the following with human hair extensions but not with synthetic hair:
- Human hair extensions can be treated in the same way that you treat your hair.
- You can wash your clip in extensions with (paraben free and sulphate free) shampoo and conditioners and reuse many times, however, please note that washing will reduce the quality.
- You can dye human hair extensions (please note we are not liable for any alterations to the products).
- You can style your clip in hair extensions with hair tongs, curlers and straightners.
Synthetic hair will not move as freely as real hair therefore looking less natural than if you were to wear real human hair extensions. This is especially noticeable in daylight.
Our hair stylists recommend that you invest in REMY hair when you are buying human hair extensions. REMY human hair extensions are proven to be the best quality, longest lasting and softest on the market.
The science behind REMY human hair extensions:
Human hair is made up of lots of cuticles which all point downwards; if the hair cuticles do not point the same way then they will catch on each other and tangle. This is why backcombing is successful as you are rubbing your hair cuticles the wrong way which opens up the cuticles and makes the hair tangle.
We achieve the REMY hair quality by ensuring that our hair collectors take special care with the cutting of hair. The hair collector will keep all the tips of the hair strands together and the tops together. This will be clearly labelled to the factory so the sewing team can make the clip-in hair extensions by sewing the tops of the hair strands to the top line of the extensions.
The benefits of REMY human hair extensions:
The hair cuticles running the same way keeps the hair looking shiny and healthy. The hair is less likely to tangle and will stay smooth for longer. You won’t find human hair extensions as smooth and silky as REMY hair. You will find REMY human hair extensions much easier to manage and care for than just human hair extensions.
The cost of REMY human hair extensions:
Remy human hair extensions are more expensive than normal human hair extensions because of the higher level of care taken in the collection of the hair and in the transportation of the hair. Our hair stylists recommend that the higher quality is more than worth the extra cost due to the length of time you can wear the extensions for without them tangling and for a longer lasting product.
The cheap options:
If you choose not to invest in Remy Hair Extensions, you will not receive the greatest quality that you deserve. When Non-Remy Hair Extensions are made, the hair is collected randomly and the hair will be a mix of strands the correct way and strands upside down. Hair extensions made solely from this collected hair will tangle quickly and become a complete, unmanageable mess. Some companies choose to put the hair into an acid bath, which strips the cuticles from the hair, along with any healthy oils that may have remained. The hair is then coated in silicone to give it back that super soft, glossy look... which unfortunately, will leave dull, lifeless and damaged extensions.